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Here, we will prepare ourselves for the full liturgy and restore the missing part of the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek. Everything is more or less correct with the ritual side of liturgy; practically anytemple of Moscow Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church is appropriate. It is necessary to restore the traditional essence of the Prothesis (liturgy of preparation) which consists of preparation of the Eucharistic sacrifice at the level of the fundamental energies of being.

The Principle ofritual

The system, including diskos, Asterisk, Lamb and particles, is a model of Creation. In the literal sense, it is a matrix of being. This set of symbols reflects the basic structures of which are woven the Heaven and the Earth. At the liturgy, through specific actions operating by priest, this system moves into the New Testament mystical space. Into the area where is the "world of the future century", the Heavenly Jerusalem, and the King of kings sitting on the Throne of Glory. This occurs when the diskos and the chalice are brought to the altar and placed on the throne.

Nevertheless, the external actions represent only a half of the Sacraments. In order the Lord accepts the Eucharistic sacrifice, it is also necessary to perform the Sacrament in spiritual and contemplative space. In this consists the essence of the New Testament priesthoodafter the order of Melchizedek.Melchizedekhas agift ofvisionof the state powerof God,theseangelicenergy structures that are represented on the icon "Christ in Majesty". And according to this, he performs a contemplative presence before God on behalf of all Creation. His ministry consists in realization of the Eucharistic mission. He gathers the entire being of the universal Church in whole, elevates it to the height of Mount Zion and put it on the Throne of the Glory of God.

The stages ofworship

How to occupy the soborial part of the brain during the liturgy?

The Kingdom of Melchizedek

The Kingdom of Melchizedek is a spiritual space, an invisible territory that is a place of location of the Sobor. This function is performed by human soul who has a gift of Melchizedek (a gift of the Earthly King). Inancient Church, the place of location of soborwas a bishop’s soul.Today,the priesthood after the order of Melchizedekis destroyed,so thesoborial union onlevelof spiritual energiesdoes no longer occur.

The integral structureof the particles

This is the one option of the sacred energies structure that reflects the basic elements of Heaven and Earth.


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