Once upon a time, Nebuchadnezzar had a very unusual and important dream. However, whenthe kingwoke up, heforgotit... So the terrible ruler gathered all wise men of Babylon, and ordered them to solve the problem, to tell him his forgotten dream. Naturally, the soothsayers and sorcerers responded him politely, «Oh, the great lord, it's absolutely impossible!» Then Nebuchadnezzar became angry and ordered to clean Babylon from all wise men. When the turn came for Daniel, he volunteered to solve this problem.

Indeed, the dream content is extremely important. Nebuchadnezzar saw, in his dream, the structure of the civilization of the eschatological period in which we are living now. The statue symbolizes the world order created by human hands. That’s why it is represented as a big artificial man.

All civilizations are built by their integration into the system of the energies of Creation. Firstly, there are spiritual energies, followed by mental energies, and then this system is realized in a material form.The peculiarity of the civilization of the eschatological period consists of its universal scale. Its creation starts from the foundationof being. The codes of Creation are intercepted in the point of the highest spiritual forces, in the area of tetramorphs.Thus was created an existing new world order; it is a single way of life, in which all of humanity is living now. It is exactly this system that Nebuchadnezzar had seen in his dream.

The concept of the dream is based on an opposition to the idea of a natural way of life, created by God for humanity and a way of life against nature, invented by humans, at the instigation of the devil. The being was created by Creator by means of refraction and dissolution of the divine power. At the beginning of the World, there was an integral light, therefore at the end (or at bottom of being) the light dissolves completely to the state of «nothingness», to an «abyssof water».Then the Lord appeals, from the abyss of water, the flows of new forces shaping a material visible world.

The man is supposed to gather the whole universe into a single unit, pack it in his mind, so to speak, and return it entirely to God. This is done through the Savior, because He represents Creation. The Eucharistic Lamb (Who is prepared on the altar) is like a package, in which the universe is packed, and then the terrestrial church sends it to the Throne of God.

The Almighty reviews it and makes changes (in accordance with the request of the terrestrial church), and then He downloads, so to speak, an updated program in the computer of Creation. A new round of existential energy starts now, and the changes occur in the surrounding world. This is how works the natural way of life in which all creation is constantly renewed, so that there is no place for entropy and death.

However, the impious people construct, from century to century, a kainite civilization made by human hand. It is based on a diametrically opposite principle, not on glorification of God, but of man. At the point of the human heart, where the world gathers into one unit, and within the natural order, begins a Eucharistic movement upwards (glorifying the Creator); they crash the spiritual codes of being, and the whole system rushes down into the abyss of water, in the area of disintegration until the state of «nothingness». Thus is created an artificial mode of being that leads to death. On this energy of decay is built the existing New World Order.

The statue from Nebuchadnezzar's dream is an example of civilizational system built on the energy of disintegration. First comes the golden head. It symbolizes a civilizational order in which all power of energy of the universe is collected and submitted to a single monarch. Here, the earthly king fulfills a function of God. It is a theocratic model in which the real Eucharistic sacrifice is not done, because the whole system is focused on the monarch, a man. Everything belongs to him: power, force and glory. Therefore Daniel says:

Book of Daniel, ch. 2

37 'You, Your Majesty, king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given sovereignty, power, strength and honour-

38 human beings, wild animals, birds of the air, wherever they live, he has entrusted to your rule, making you king of them all -- you are the golden head.

Thus, the head of gold is a civilization model, a model of imperial reign in which all the energy of the universe is concentrated on the monarch. This system is modeling a real system of being; however, it does not glorify God, but the emperor. That is why it is already artificial and does not correspond to the Project of God, to this order of natural life that we are now starting to build. If the head of gold is not given to the Almighty, so the collapsemechanism is triggered already here. Then, the energy of integral being is refracted into two basic components, internal and external forces.

32 The head of this statue was of fine gold, its chest and arms were of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze,

33 its legs of iron, its feet part iron, part clay.

One energy is formed by Church, another one by State. First goes the internal, then the external. But these two forces coexist together, as two heads of eagle, as patriarch and president. Therefore, Daniel describes this system successively, on the one hand, and together, in the same sentence, on the other hand.

39 And, after you, another kingdom will rise, not as great as yours, and then a third, of bronze, which will rule the whole world.

First comes the chest and arms of silver of statue. They symbolize breathing, spirituality, that is to say the Church. Faith, spiritual and ideological education, represents a basic human existence. They create a suitable form of government structure (mind creates form). That is why the symbol of spirituality has the arms.

After the Church's symbol, follows a symbol of state system: «its belly and thighs of bronze». This is a social system that directs people's lives in a certain direction. The belly is a life, and thighs - a movement.

The civilizational system, where power is divided into royal and ecclesiastical, was typical to the traditional society. Such were the Byzantine and Russian empires. These forms aren’t ideal for the Orthodox people, since the energy of the universe is not collected in Eucharistic unity. That is why they were destined to leave the stage of history.

The form of the civilizational order, generated by genesis of collapse, is symbolized by legs of iron. This is a period of the first decree of Lenin by which the Church was separated from the state.

In other words, it is a system of the New World Order, the twentieth century and our time. Theironmeans"technology" insystemofbiblicalsymbolism.Industrialization, scientific and technical progress, computerization, global grid, all these kainite inventions reached a very high level of development in the existing civilization. Everything is tangled by technology, including the church. The very thought of humanity has become like an iron, pragmatic.

However, this is not the final form of collapsed civilization. We are living in a period of the first beast. The clairvoyant was placed on the sand. The loose materials, in the system of biblical symbolism, mean a collapse. «The Beast out of the Sea»is a civilization of decay which consists of population reduced to dust. The last form of being, made by human hand, will be a civilization of «the second Beast out of the Earth». The lowest part of statue is assigned to it: the feet on the ground. Here they have a double nature, part of iron, part of clay.

The clay is a «dust of the earth», this is a natural-material nature, which constitutes a biological human body. The iron is an artificial nature, it’s all that is invented in kainite laboratories and produced by high-tech enterprises. The technologies of the future are currently in an embryonic state, in principle, but it is quite possible to imagine how will be this world. The normal nature will be mixed with an artificial nature and the human body will become a bio cybernetic body.

The Hollywood and its Masonic creators relentlessly describe this future «magnificent new world»... and the prophet Daniel tells clearly about the genetic modification of human nature:

43 And just as you saw the iron and the clay of the earthenware mixed together, so the two will be mixed together in human seed; but they will not hold together any more than iron will blend with clay.

The potter's clay means a biological membrane of the human body.


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