The Redemption of the Savior is that He sacrificed the greatest denarius for a measure of universal wheat, that is to say, a measure of the universal decay. It was a price to pay for the victory upon entropy and death. To save the universe, it was necessary to give a particular life that exceeded the price of the whole universe, the life which was bigger than the universe itself. Only the soul of God-man is so big.

Every soul has its own weight, which depends on the ability to love, that is to say, to contain in oneself the world of Christ. The greatest is the love of man, the more world of Christ is contained in his heart. Our Heavenly Father has the greatest love for all of us; that is why His heart, through His Son, contains the entire universe. The second, after Christ, is the Virgin Mary, because She is the first human who contained the Kingdom of the Savior in the kingdom of Her soul, and the entire universe with it. After come other saints and kings, according to the degree of magnitudeof their hearts.

Remember how St. Seraphim of Sarov prayed God to sacrifice his soul for the salvation of Russia? Thus are human souls weighed on the scales of Eternity: the life of a saint can be equal to the value of the whole people.

Particularly important are God's anointed kings, because they contain within them the civilizational worlds and popular universes. Suppose that our Holy Czar Nicolas II is an anthological bearer of Russian world, that is to say, the soul of the Czar, on the scale of Eternity, is equal to the multi-centuries history of Russia.

Therefore, when the Russian people renounced their Orthodox world, where even the Church betrayed the Czar, Nicolas II had to choice: either save his earthly life, his family and leave Russia, or surrender to the will of God and preserve the Orthodox civilization, and if necessary, sacrifice his life, the life of God's anointed, and save the Russian world and people, do not let them disappear into oblivion of history.

It should be clearly understood here that if there was no atoning sacrifice of our holy Czar, the history of the Russian people would have ended just in the year 1917 and there would be no Russian civilization; the world would have developed very differently. It would have been built, for example, the Third International which would become a kingdom of Antichrist, as planned, or the Nazis would occupied the Soviet Union and the world kingdom of Antichrist would be developed in the format of the Third Reich. Or suppose that Khrushchev still managed to show the last pope on television. Then, the United States would be defeated by Soviet Union and the totalitarian communist system would be established, as a kingdom of Antichrist, all around the world.

The history develops according to the spiritual laws which are measured by souls of saints and kings. The kings are not only the guardians, but also the direct bearers of civilization, in direct anthological sense. The spiritual core of Russian world was in the heart of our Holy Czar Nicolas II. Around the year 1917, the situation was clear: the pillar of Russian civilization, the leader of nation, the Czar, the legitimate sovereign became useless in his own country.

The country has been fascinated by heresies, and the legitimate leader, the Anointed of God, became useless, became the person who bothers everyone. At that time, Nicholas II wrote his well-known words: "All around meI see treason, cowardiceand deceit".This means that the people, for the most part, have denied the Czar in their heart, and this sin is like the sin of Adam and Eve.

The violation of the commandment of God, in the beginning of history, led to the loss of connection with God; all that occurred in Russia was similar. The Czar is a link between popular civilization and God. Having lost a touch with Czar, the Orthodox civilization has lost the connection with God, has been deprived of the spiritual bloodstream and has instantly collapsed.

According to the laws of the spiritual life of the Creation, the life of Czar is equal to the life of his kingdom, that is why our Saint Czar voluntarily went to his Golgotha, knowing he was destined to redeem Russia, to pay the highest price, to give a denarius of God's Anointed for a measure of wheat, that is to say, to sacrifice completely his life in expiation and preservation of Russian people from collapse and disappearance.

Thanks to his sacrifice, the Russian people are preserved to this day. Despite a century of horrendous tragedies, losses and millions of victims, despite of the violation of God's commandments, indifference of Church towards the faith and the deepest spiritual fall, Russia, generally, is under the protection of God, because the Czar Nicolas II paid an absolute price for the preservation of Russia.

There is a reason for everything. The price of sin is always the same: a death. And if the whole people are sinning against their own world, their own kingdom, then, according to the Laws of Creation, this people is destroyed, deleted from history, and that is all. And the territory of great country is given in possession to other nations. We must understand that our holy Czar has not sacrificed his life for a prosperous and comfortable life of consumer society. This sacrifice did not preserve us from wars and millions of deaths, humiliation and numerous misfortunes.

It was a price for a measure of wheat, for prevention from total collapse of Russian civilization. This is a great price for the very existence of Russia and for this great dream that our Czar has preserved for us.

Future holy monarchical Russia will become the greatest civilization in the history of humanity, and this hope of Russian people will be necessarily realized, as it is said: «Butdo not damage the olive oil and the wine!"(Apocalypse of Saint John 6: 6).

According to the laws of Creation, established by our Creator, if for the kingdom is provided an atoning sacrifice in the person of Czar, the kingdom is no longer subjected to disintegration and destruction. As well as the Kingdom of the Savior is eternal, because the price of atonement was the life of the King of kings.

Such is an essence of atoning sacrifice of our holy martyr Czar Nicholas II. He did not save us from sin, as our Savior, he saved the Russian world from total destruction. He preservedthe greatest treasurefor us, the Holy Russia, and left us a great and bright hope, and a big goal.



# Apocalypse. Why the Holy and Great Martyr Tsar Nicolas II is a Redeemer?Kimberley 2018-01-13 11:35
Fly higher in the sky or fight on the ground.

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