The nature of sin

The pattern turned bloody ...

The light ripples on the surface of a lake ...

Does the mutant know how to do?

- Do not be sad, - said Aliсе.

- Sooner or later everything will become clear; everything will fall into place and line up in a single beautiful pattern, like lace. It will become clear why everything was needed, because everything will be right.

It is not easy to understand why humanity committed a bloody salto for the period of modern time. In fact, history is now returning to the era of Ivan the Terrible. The existing technocratic civilization that has been erected over the past few centuries will be completely razed from the face of the earth. Thus, humanity, under the leadership of the Jews, is a collective prodigal son who threw his cap over the windmill. He wasted all the spiritual resources inherited from his Heavenly Father, and ended by filling himself with the husks the pigs were eating. He is remaining now in a genetically modified piggery and thinking : "What is the purpose of all this? "

What is the sense in this collective fall, which has been deliberately reproduced for this time, in an organized manner, so to speak, and not spontaneously and by ignorance, as was it was the case the first time in Eden? There is no sense in all this universal trickery, as there is no sense in sin as such.

The nature of sin

Nevertheless, the causes of sin are the same. Mankind has been seduced by knowledge. It has been seduced by the possibility of reaching the divine level of life, so to speak. By the opportunity to do everything on its own, without God, by its own hand. Illuminati, Freemasons and Sages of Zion are not the main villains. They are a global result of the sin of all mankind, the bearers of this sin.

The human race is a unique organism. Different peoples fulfill corresponding functions, quite different functions. The Jews fulfill the role of the brain, the role of an intellectual international collector. However, they don’t act independently, but adjust to the general mood of the global human organism. They manipulate the energy of the sin that people provide to them. If the Russian people did not sin, the Jews would have no power over them. People, beginning with Adam and Eve, remain as curious and carefree. They are always tempted and, in a choice situation, the majority always chooses a slippery path. They always choose what is faster, easier and effortless, if possible. The Sages of Zion are the collective Adam and Eve who once again crunched the forbidden fruit. The nature of sin remains the same at all times. And when, in the Middle Ages, humanity began to move on to the fifth form of Eucharistic wisdom, when the knowledge of the Fifth Day, which carried information on the structure of the universe, began to pour out on earth, the overwhelming majority of scientists have fallen into temptation. And instead of building together with God, by means of inexhaustible resources of the Divine Light, a bridge leading from the earth altar to the Heavenly Kingdom, from the visible world to the invisible world, they decided to act independently and in the opposite direction. And thanks to the barbarous plunder of the earth (where else they could take the resources?), by breaking the codes of time, they began to build a human technocratic civilization. Stupidly, but independently.

The pattern turned bloody ...

Nothing good came out of it. Billions of lives have been sacrificed in this wild adventure. It turned out that the Jews are bad engineers of human souls. They could not create anything but mutants. And the universal march of the prodigal son went sideways not only for the humanity and Jews themselves, but for the entire universe. Earth is now poisoned and turned into a global pigsty. Life became intolerable. The dolphins throw themselves out of the sea, the people out of the windows. So what does all this needed? What did the authors of the New World Order think about, while writing a fairy tale about Alice? How beautiful is the pattern on the bloody lace? Is it worth the trouble to weave it?

Strange as it may seem, but humanity committed this deadly somersault just to understand a very simple thing, in fact: the Project of God is much better than the human projects, because God is Living Wisdom. That it is more reliable to trust the Creator than oneself or princes and humans. That the dearest thing in the world is love to God. Pure love like the smooth surface of a lake. Humanity committed this bloody mess mainly to avoid any doubt in relationship between man and God.

The light ripples on the surface of a lake ...

Every sin begins with a ripple of doubt passing over the surface of the soul: « Did God really say you were not to eat from any of the trees in the garden? » (Genesis 3:1).

The integral intelligence of humanity, to which the original codes of Creation began to open in the Middle Ages, followed the same murmur of the ancient tempter. Why do we need God? The universe of the Fifth Day can also be built without Him. Why depend on the will of the Almighty? It is better to build a new world with our own hand. And to do everything in our own way, without the remarks of anyone. We are capable to do everything by ourselves.

To do this, we simply have to steal the divine fire of knowledge, the codes of life. In the Middle Ages, the majority of scholars, leaders and mere mortals, everyone, by virtue of his own abilities, have been tempted by this seductive project. It is so seductive for man to find a philosopher's stone and build his own human world, filled by technological wonders. At the time of the Renaissance, most people made a choice in favor of a bottle filled with a colored liquid or a sophisticated machine, assembled from the rotating gears. People were passionately involved in alchemy and astrology. In the Age of Enlightenment, the heart of man laid more to the technological wonders, created by his own hand, quickly done well done, than to the Christian miracles, created by the hand of God. Thus was born a powerful scientific and atheist movement, directed by Zionists. The Jews simply took the lead, because they had a talent for that. They had a special royal blessing that allowed them to walk at the head of the flock. Nevertheless, mankind, each in his own measure, as the poet says: "Oh, it is not difficult to deceive me, I'm glad to be deceived." Humanity is more interested by cars and auto-propelled planes than by the icon "Christ in Majesty".

Humanity, like the curious and carefree Alice, escaped marriage, ran after the rabbit in the Masonic jacket, and traded the holy universe, having physical connection with God, to the Illuminati candy wrappers. And a bloody tragedy of several centuries began.

Does the mutant know how to do?

Who is to blame? Before God, everyone is to blame, each in his own measure. The path to wisdom and spiritual power over the world is always open. And even in times of the darkest gloom there were holy people who did not bend under this changing world. Who relied not on purse and gadgets in life, but put their lives into the hand of God. Of course, the first to respond will be those who have been at the head of madmen and led the world into the abyss. And at the head of the flock stand in an embrace synagogue with synod. However, there is no sense in rejecting all responsibility on the Jews. They are sick on the whole head, in their own way and in the most direct sense, because they are under a curse ; everyone knows it. These are the main modified beasts.

It is completely useless to expect adequate actions from a mutated individual, as it is meaningless to expect some kind of sports records from a leper. The blood of the tribe of Judah continues to be at the head of humanity and to undertake its demonic adventures. They can not act differently. They just do not know how to do it properly. They have nothing in their hands except a bloody pattern. They are cursed and forced to perform a mission of evil geniuses. Everything they touch with their cursed hand, absolutely everything turns into a bloody pattern. They became carriers of death, carriers of the energy of disintegration on which is based the New World Order, in fact. And they are forced to laugh at Christians, with a mad gleam in their eyes, and lead them like cattle to slaughter. And with Christians, they destroy their own souls and, each time, increase the extent of their own sin.

There is no way out of this diabolical carrousel, because the energy of decaying time is concentrated in the head of the herd and nothing in the world can go against time. This crazy wild process will continue until a carrier of the integral energy appears. The time can be only conquered by the force of eternity. Therefore, those who are above the firmament are not enchanted by their power and their administrative and financial capacities. The human soul has not enough space in the terrestrial world, especially if this soul has divine blessing to be a leader and lead the universe to Heaven, while it is obliged to live in a diametrically opposite state.

The energy of sin, the energy of devastation is concentrated in those who are at the head of the flock. And the pressure is even more important if you are at the head of the inverted universe, if the sin of all humanity pushes you into the abyss. They are devastated to the same extent as all mankind. They are tired and wish to rest more than anything; they want to find peace and get rid of their burning spirit of wickedness. They do not rejoice over the domination of the world, the stolen gold and wisdom. The seal of Cain's curse rests on all this. They are bored by the wisdom of the Fifth Day stolen from the Church. It is already obsolete, dilapidated and disintegrates like old wineskins, incapable of resisting the pressure of the new time. They look with envy how the young Church grows in strength, crosses the epochs like a new germ, bypasses the countless traps of the Matrix and penetrates into the Eighth Day ; how the sobor of youths draws knowledge directly from the source, how children overthrow the plans of the fathers. They feel more and more like a decrepit old woman, good for nothing, who has never been able to bring a fruit. They are tired of being dead, wandering in front of a herd of dusty zombies. The most in the world they want to feel a taste of a fresh and lively apple, the taste of the fresh wisdom of the Eternal Eight Day. But they are deprived of this possibility and are very afraid of the future that they concocted by themselves. Therefore, behind the facade of all these silly Jewish lucubrations, behind the façade of the Hollywood concepts where they seek to find a way out of the impasse, or, on the contrary, fall into a crisis of madness, the leitmotiv of all this is a sufficiently audible call to help, although uttered through the teeth: "Oh, goyim, save us from ourselves! We do not know what we are doing and cannot stop! "...




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