The nature of power

About perspectives

What is Energy of Eternity?

The cooking of history

The Eucharistic traffic

The construction of the Temple of Eternity

Hello dear friends!

We begin publishing a particularly interesting new theme on the energy of Eternity. This is the greatest force, by which are created the historical epochs, born and destroyed the entire civilizations.

The nature of power

For the sake of manipulating the force of time, the ancient pagan kingdoms built the giant pyramids. All this was done to be able to rise above the line of the Fifth Day, in artificial way, by means of mystical techniques. To get power over time, we must rise to the height of Zion, to the field of integral energy. This can be done in two ways: naturally, by keeping the commandments of God, and unnaturally, by means of technology, of the treacherous circumvent of the divine laws of life. In both cases, the energy of time is subject to man. And only after that the ruling elite seizes what is called power.

The nature of power isn’t power over the people as such, but power over time. The people are not subordinate to the ruling elite, but to some historical project. These projects are created, in fact, by sacrificers who are part of the ruling elite. These projects are created by means of all kinds of manipulations with the flows of time.

As for modern elections, all this is sheer bullshit, ordinary political show, which has no influence on the historical epochs. The power, in our country and all around the world, is Masonic for a long time. Jews prepared, during several centuries, the project of anti-Christian historical epoch. It was launched a hundred years ago, after the ritual murder of the royal family. Since then, the world plunged into an era of “the red dragon”. And until now, nobody can fix it.

To restart the universe, to redirect it to the Christian path, we have to climb to Zion and download a flow of being, that is to say, the Christian historical project. We have already climbed to Zion. It remains to restore the Christian project in all its original purity. Then, the power over time will return to Orthodox people and historical epoch will become Christian. As a result, the church will recover power over the world.

“To anyone who proves victorious, and keeps working for me until the end, I will give the authority over the nations which I myself have been given by my Father, to rule them with an iron sceptre and shatter them like so many pots” (Revelation 2:26-27).

The iron sceptre is spiritual vertical. It is energy of Eternity, which subordinates the energy of time, that is, the force of historical epoch. As humanity is linked to the historical epoch, the whole world is ultimately subject to the church. Such is the system.

About perspectives

Just a little bit more time and we’ll possess the pure Christian teaching, in which the words are connected to the power of God. Then, our Lord will launch new historical scenario. Very interesting events will begin. After spiritual awakening, absolutely new historical processes will start. Great thirst of faith is awakening and great desire to know the sacred mysteries. People become acquainted with the true spirituality and begin to actively climb towards Heaven.

The strength of the "Rider on the White Horse" will be finally released on the political scene and the epochs will begin changing. In the future, world politics will be aligned on this energy. So, Mr. Putin has something interesting reserved for the future, so to speak. But, it is still unknown what he is going to do with it. But for the moment, we’ll devote this issue to a brief overview of the Energy of Eternity. This information also refers to the Dogma of Divine-Human Kingdom of the Most Holy Trinity. However, we must also overview some occult moments. Therefore, in order to be not limited by some formal framework, we’ll create a separate section for Eternity.

What is Energy of Eternity?

The purpose of the Project of God is a construction of the Heavenly Jerusalem. We can learn about it in the last chapters of the Apocalypse. This construction is created through the Energy of Eternity. Therefore, to launch a new historical epoch on Earth, we must understand the structure of the Kingdom of Heaven. In this consists the main mission of our Sobor.

So, what is Energy of Eternity?

The Energy of Eternity is a living force of the Divine Reason, by which the Creation passes from nothingness into being. The Energy of Eternity is also an essence of the God-Man Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Eucharistic body and blood of Christ, to which we commune, represent the Holy force of Eternity.

The world can be removed from the New World Order’s freezer only by the force of God. God entrusted this power to man, to His New Testament church. However, to perform the sacred rite, we must know what it represents and understand the nature of the priesthood. In Apocalypse of St. John Theologian, the power of Eternity is described in the following terms: “Then the angel showed me the river of life, rising from the throne of God and of the Lamb and flowing crystal-clear” (Revelation 22:1). We must have this crystal-clear understanding of the Energy of Eternity.

The cooking of history

After theology, the Freemasons falsified all the scientific picture of the world, history in particular. Therefore, it is possible to establish the truth about past and future only through the restoration of Christian theology. Here's a key to all historical mysteries.

Nowadays, there are many popular scientific films about the Great Tartary, new chronology of Atlantis and Hyperborea. They give answers on some points, but on others they are even more confusing. In general, the situation is such that no one is able to tell how the reality was.

We’ll follow our own path. We’ll stick to a particular method: We’ll not reject or support one of the many historical assumptions. We’ll show the cooking of history and see how history is created. We’ll put ourselves in the place of the history operators. These operators may be pagan sacrificers or Christian saints, prophets or apostles. Ultimately, we will examine the history from the perspective of God.

Historical events are subject to time. Time is subject to Eternity. The Eternity is Eucharist. Therefore, if we know the nature of eternal Eucharist, we’ll get a key to the logic of all historical epochs.

The Eucharistic traffic

To understand the nature of the Energy of Eternity, we’ll use the word "traffic". It refers to the volume of traffic passing through the node per unit time. There is road traffic, which shows how much transport passes through a checkpoint, or network traffic. Then it shows the volume of computer data. The Energy of the Eucharist also has its own specific traffic. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the energy of Eternity possesses information, at any moment, about the life of the whole being: the past, present and future, the life of every person, the people who are alive, dead and even those who have not yet born, the beginning of being, the End of the World, the Last Judgment, the world of future century... In short, about everything that exists.

The carriers of information about the entire being are Archangels and saints. If we gather information about all Creation in whole, we’ll obtain Creation as such. Creation is woven from the angelic forces and the sobor of the holy people. In other words, we’ll finally get that same cubic structure as described in the last chapters of the Apocalypse. Thus, the format of the Eucharistic traffic is Heavenly Jerusalem in twelve dimensions. In other words, the means of communication, in the system of the Church of Christ, is a language of Eternity in twelve dimensions. This language is also the Reason of Christ. It is stated in the twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse: “Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars” (Revelation 12:1). The woman is a New Testament church. She is robed in the grace of sunny Christ and possesses the Reason of Christ in twelve dimensions, that is to say, she holds the Energy of Eternity.

Such extraordinary things we must learn during this new cycle.

The construction of the Temple of Eternity

The Temple of Eternity in twelve dimensions is built trough the knowledge. We must pass, following Creator, all stages of the co-creation of the Kingdom of Eternity. We’ll examine the state of the Holy-Trinitarian force of Eternity before Creation. Then we'll see what happens to it at the first blessing. One of the most surprising moments will be a process of vivification of Tetramorphs. These are extraordinary creatures. Then we’ll create Adam and divide him into two Holy-Trinitarian soborial Hypostases. Next, we'll examine antediluvian civilizations; we’ll build Atlantis and Hyperborea, then we’ll open the abyss of heaven and will erase, like with an eraser, this defective version of the world's development from the surface of the earth. Noah, the Tower of Babel, Abraham, the Old Testament, we will recreate all these events and many others by means of the Energy of Eternity.

We’ll not only describe the events of Biblical history, but also show the logic of their construction. We’ll show the essence of the relationship between the old Slavic and ancient Jewish people. We'll reveal this mystery. And, of course, we’ll show the relationships of the New Testament Slavic people with Jews deprived of grace. Parents must reconcile with their children and children with their parents.

Then we'll gather the Old Testament twelve tribes with the twelve New Testament soborial hypostases. Ultimately, we must gather the entire Project of God in the format of Eternity in twelve dimensions, so that we’ll get the same Heavenly Jerusalem, as described in the Apocalypse. So, we’ll gather the God-Man in twelve hypostases. And then we can consider that we passed the entrance exam to the school of "the kings coming from the Orient".




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