The dispensation of grace

The Tabernacle  and  Temple

The original source of knowledge

The Age of God

The problem of the head

The gateway principle of passage

An example with a rocket

The dispensation of grace

The apostle Paul explains the essence of the dispensation of grace as follows: it’s necessary to have “connection to the Head, by which the whole body, given all that it needs and held together by its joints and sinews, grows with the growth given by God” (Colossians 2: 18-19).

What are, specifically, head, body and growth given by God?

It is about spiritual nature of man. It is woven of time, of all that exists. Therefore, it has the largest possible size. In other words, it has the size of all Creation. Our human nature includes not only the history of this world’s being from the beginning to the End of the world, but also the world of the future age, that is to say, the domain of the Eighth Day. Here is the head that the Apostle speaks. Here is the assembly point of the man's identity, as well as of the entire people’s being, that is to say, there is an assembly point of the civilizational Project.

By the way, if we measure the age of the human body by heads, all obtained proportions will correspond to the system of spiritual maturity in eight days. Little children will have five heads, which corresponds to the state of the soul prior to passing the midpoint. Young children are those who have already rooted in the Sixth Day. Therefore, they have six heads. Young children gain strength of God and grow up to the level of seven heads. Then, those who go beyond Seventh Days, beyond the being of this world, receive an integral head, which is the most important, the head of the Eighth Day. They are already Fathers. They are those who have matured to the age of Christ.

Thus, our body is a symbolic model of the Project of God.

The Tabernacle and Temple

The main problem of the Christian civilizational project consists in the very Creation. The fact is that they are in number of two. God created two centuries, that is to say, two beings. One being exists with fragmented time, another - with integral time. The first being is defined by the formula: “now and ever and unto the ages of the century”, the second one – “from century to century” or “Aeon aeon” in Greek. Or simply by the name “Amen”.

The being of the world of the future century has a cross-shaped structure, therefore, in its description are used similar cruciform formulations. For example, the name “Amen” is earthly aeon, crossed with heavenly aeon. As a result, we get an integral, unique aeon in a state of eternal rest. Therefore, “from century to century” is a formula of eternal rest.

The first being, in which we are now, is destined for the formation of the Divine-Human Kingdom. Here, the time, fragmented as a result of the fall of man, gathers into integral state in six conventional days. On the top of this being, that is to say, at the Seventh Day level, at the height of Zion, is situated the Temple of the Tabernacle of the testimony in Heaven.

The Tabernacle is a marching temple-outhouse. Before the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem, the ancient Jews celebrated the Divine Office in the Tabernacle. The Ark of the Covenant was also kept here. The Tabernacle is a prototype of the first temporal being, destined to the formation of the Project of God, to the formation of the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Thus, the Project of God is first built in the area of Tabernacle, and then revealed in its entirety. It is revealed in the second being where is the Throne of God, in the area of integral century. In other words, Jerusalem is gathered on one platform and, after obtaining an integral state, it is transferred to an appropriate being in which the time and fragmentation are absent. That’s how the system works.

The original source of knowledge

“After this, in my vision, the sanctuary, the tent of the Testimony, opened in heaven, and out came the seven angels with the seven plagues, wearing pure white linen, fastened round their waists with belts of gold. One of the four living creatures gave the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the anger of God who lives for ever and ever. The smoke from the glory and the power of God filled the temple so that no one could go into it until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed (Apocalypse of St. John 15:5-8).

The Tabernacle is a Temple of the testimony in Heaven. The testimony is a source of knowledge here. Anyone who is rooted, by mind, in the area of the Tabernacle, receives knowledge of the Project of God. Thus, the Apostles preached in the early days. There was no Gospel, neither books at the time. Our soborial Project has also possibility to testify on the Project of God, because we have entered the Heavenly Tabernacle of the testimony. Here is the original source of knowledge. Here are the head and mind of being. The being is structured in the same way as man. And the head is situated in the area of the Tabernacle.

The Age of God

The human body, from head to foot, is a model of being, the first as well as the second: they are structured in the same way. The difference is that the first being is in a state of formation, that is to say, it is similar to human growth. Every healthy organism grows in an integral manner: legs, arms, organs and other body parts are developed harmoniously in the same growth system.

The age of God is a process of spiritual maturation; it also develops in an integral format. The spiritual growth begins after passing the midpoint, after the passage to the level of young children. Before passing the midpoint, nor man, people, neither the very being cannot grow by the age of God, since the nature is still in a state of fragmented centuries in a state of “a time, times and half a time”. Or in a state of “century of centuries”. It's practically the same.

To pass to the Divine growth, it is necessary to penetrate, by mind, into the area of the Tabernacle where is situated a temporary altar. Here, the Holy Spirit edifies us and gives information about the entire Project of God, about the whole body of the Divine-Human Kingdom with all its components and links. We need to grow this organism first in our soul, second in our people and finally in all Creation. The Apostle Paul speaks exactly about this: everything is built from the head. Here is an assembly point.

“connection to the Head, by which the whole body, given all that it needs and held together by its joints and sinews, grows with the growth given by God” (Colossians 2: 18-19).

Then will be built a Temple, made without hands, in which the Lord will be suddenly revealed.

The problem of the head

Thus, the head in the first being has a temporary nature. This head is a Tabernacle, a marching temple.

The second being is already the Kingdom of Eternity. Therefore, the head of the second being has a permanent nature. Here is an indestructible and eternal Throne of God, and it is revealed in whole and all at once. The problem of our first being is that we can enter the Tabernacle only after achieving an integral state and gathering in ourselves all the seven ages. It’s for this reason that the earthly Church falls all the time, that is to say, loses his head and remains without guidance. Literally, it’s like Lewis Carroll’s sad knight of the seventh line who was constantly falling off the horse upside down. As a result, the whole body of the people of God disintegrates; orthodoxy finds itself in a state of decline, and remains in this position until someone goes to Zion, gathers in himself the seven ages, enters the Tabernacle and announces the Project of God, but already at a new level that corresponds to the historical state of the time, because the being is a constant developpement. Then, the social system is driven in motion and people began to gather into the body of Christ. Everybody begin to understand what to do. There is unanimity. And another cycle of flowering of the Church begins.

The gateway principle of passage

“After this, in my vision, the sanctuary, the tent of the Testimony, opened in heaven, and out came the seven angels with the seven plagues... One of the four living creatures gave the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the anger of God who lives for ever and ever. The smoke from the glory and the power of God filled the temple so that no one could go into it until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed (Revelation 15:5-8).

The seven plagues are an integral force of God poured out after passing the midpoint. It will be plagues for those who will not receive a Seal of the Living God. For those who will not prepare their nature to the conditions of an integral being. To those who will be prepared, the poured force of seven integral centuries will allow to grow, by the age of God, until the integral Christ. Then we can enter the Tabernacle already not only by our mind, as it’s the case today, but also by our body, by all nature.

Then the Bride of Christ will meet his Heavenly Bridegroom and the wedding feast will begin. The Messianic meal will begin. And the process of formation will reach an integral state. And connexion between our being and the being of integral century of Christ will be laid. In other words, the Tabernacle and the Altar will meet. And a certain part of humanity will participate in the Messianic meal, that is to say, to the wedding feast. This part of humanity will pass into the Eighth Day.

The entry system in the Tabernacle is similar to a gateway device. It’s necessary to completely fill the first cavity-lock with water; the passage is possible only when the levels become equal. This order is typical for all the process of dispensation of grace, for all the growth process in Christ. The maturation at each level lasts until the fullness. Further there is an abrupt transition to the next level. Four main levels can be distinguished. The first level is knowledge of the Project of God. On the second level is located the area of the Mother of God and is performed a soborial entry into the Project of God. The third level is a climbing to the Messianic kingdom; it’s already the level of the Tabernacle. The fourth level is a formation of the Heavenly Jerusalem and ascension into the Eighth Day. Thus, those who will rise to the highest level will slip past the End of the World and the Last Judgment, and they will be sit in the clouds, swinging their legs and watching the earth and heavens to collapse, and this perishable century to disappear in the red-hot inferno of eternal nothingness, into the area of “centuries of centuries”.

An example with a rocket

Thus, the building the Divine-Human Kingdom is performed by means of two worlds. This is a scale on which God acts. Indeed, it’s a really divine scale...

This system can be compared to a rocket. The head part is a world of the future century. This is the Eighth Day. The whole structure exists for the sake of this element to bring the Divine-Human humanity to Eternity. Any remaining part is only a means of execution. And after the End of the World, it will be detached, cut off from the head of the rocket. Thus, the being, in which we live now, consists only in two levels: the one is earthly, another - heavenly. And at the end of the history, after this being will completely fulfil its mission, these two steps will be destroyed. They will be transformed into a lake of fire. I want to stress one more time, I speak not only about the visible earthly world, but also about the invisible world, which consists of the heavenly spheres, as well as of the infernal depths.

After passing the midpoint, the visible world will connect with the invisible world. The Creation will return in its original state, as it was the case in the age of Eden, when the earth wasn’t cut from heaven. Only then, after passing the midpoint and reunification, the church will be able to grow by the age of God and to build a tower of the Heavenly Jerusalem. It’s because it is built in integral categories, when the earth is connected with Heaven. And when construction of the Eternity will be completed, our existing being will be rolled up and burned. It will be transformed into eternal fire. Therefore, all those who will not find themselves in the head of the rocket, who will not be inscribed in the Book of Life, will fall into the area of perpetual decay, defined by formula “from centuries to centuries”.

It is possible to reveal an integral century only in whole and all at once. He cannot be gathered by pieces. The body of infants, as well as of the young men, is in an integral state, at any age. We have to reveal an adult man, in whole and all at once, because he gas to live in an appropriate being in which there is no time, neither the process of maturation as such. Therefore, our wonderful Heavenly Father invented such an extraordinary thing. The Divine-Human kingdom will be cultivated on the same area, in the being where time may disintegrate and gather into a whole. Here, all results of spiritual growth will be recorded in the Book of Life.

The Book of Life is a content of the Tabernacle; it is an internal volume where the seven ages are gathered into an integral century. The filling will occur during the period of the coming Messianic kingdom. When the last point will be inscribed in the Book of Life, our being of seven days, in which we are living now, will be rolled and transformed into a lake of fire. While the integral, ready-made Project of Heavenly Jerusalem will develop in a new place, specially prepared for this purpose; and it will reveal in whole and all at once.

In this system, there will be no time anymore. There will be an integral fullness and unique life with God.




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