The era of the sixth day, that the world is entering, represents the Philadelphia period of the church which is the period of Church and fraternal love. It is an era of co-creation, the time of appearance of the messianic people. The sixth day is also the subject of the most terrible biblical prophecies.

It is the period of catastrophic events, the Day of the Anger of the Lamb: «And presently the Lord, whom you seek... And who shall be able to think of the day of his coming? and who shall stand to see him? for he is like a refining fire, and like the fuller's herb...» (Malachi 3:1-2).

During the sixth day, God will intervene, in the most unexpected way in history of the earth. And the modern apostate world, so-called civilisation of «The Great Prostitute», will be condemned and destroyed. However, it is not the Second Coming yet.

The nature of the processes of future events is diametrically opposed. If, at the First or the Second Coming, God comes down from Heaven to earth, the process is opposite during the era of the sixth day: the humanity will rise from the earth towards Heaven, towards the Throne of God Almighty.

It is in that way that God will intervene in the history of world. God expects that the man takes initiative. Now, it is no longer the Saviour, who comes to people, it is the people who rise to God to be saved. To those who manage to climb the Mount of Sion (Mount of God), God will reveal His new «Third Testament», this highly spiritual and very particular knowledge which is in connection with the last eschatological era of sixth and seventh days.

In order to grasp the meaning of words of the «Third Testament», it is not only necessary to get into live communication with God. It is necessary to accept entirely God in your heart.

Through the trumpets of Seven Angels, God pours into a human, in His entirety. In literary sense, it’s like a tower which is filled with water. So, step by step, human rises to the top of the Divine Wisdom in order to achieve the seventh day level.

At this level, God offers His extraordinarily holistic Mind, which allows to penetrate into the implicit mystery of the «Third Testament»: «But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound the trumpet, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he hath declared by his servants the prophets» (The Apocalypse of St. John 10:7).

The information about the contents of the «Third Testament» is not in free access. It was deliberately hidden in the Holy Writings: « And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying to me: Seal up the things which the seven thunders have spoken; and write them not» (The Apocalypse of St. John 10:4).

The God ordered not to disclose this mystery because it is about internal relations of man with God. It is about a mystery of the future century Glory, which will be born from the marriage of the Divine Bridegroom with the Bride of Christ.

It is impossible to tell about this mystery, as it is impossible to know Love only by reading a book about Love. It is not possible to write a true war story remaining lengthened on the chesterfield. If you aren’t personally facing big trials and tribulations, you’ll not be able to testify, in an authentic way, nor war neither Love.

The Mystery of God is accomplished while the fullness of the knowledge is attained. It is necessary to bring together, in your mind, the entirety of the divine plan about the destiny of the world. So, the Mind of Christ begins living in your heart. And the attitude towards the Mysteries of the Holy Writings changes dramatically.

The Bible is written by Holy Spirit. When the Spirit of Truth resides in your heart, you are not a reader any more, stranger to the process, but a co-author. God grants you the gift of co-creation, as it was the case of apostles and saints.

И то, что велено было скрыть, теперь уже перестает быть загадкой. Если в тебе самом живёт Дух Автора, то ты можешь выполнить Его волю и в пространство мира будущего века вписать заново сокрытый текст. Такую задачу ставит Господь.

Hence, what was hidden is not a mystery any more for you. If the Mind of the Author lives inside you, you will be able to act in such a manner to fulfil the God’s will and to re-register, in the space of the future century world, the text which was hidden. This is what God asks us to do.

The brief idea of the Project of God consists in three stages of formation of the Kingdom of a God-man. The Old Testament era was dedicated to the restitution of the external nature of man. In this period, were built, so to speak, the walls of the Kingdom of God.

At the time of the New Testament, the Saviour restored link between Heaven and earth and humans got the possibility to fill their internal temple with divine grace. The Heavenly Kingdom of God came on earth; however, it still remained in a state of disintegration and was divided into time and space. This state is due to fall of Man.

The world of the future century will exist in another state, in a state of a holistic being. In New Jerusalem, time and space will not exist. The white clothes of sanctity, which are granted to the inheritors of the Kingdom of Glory, just mean this state of integrity.

If a human, during his earth life, does not succeed in attaining this state of holistic being, he cannot participate in eternal feast. At the moment of transition to the afterlife man's soul is fixed, for all eternity, in the state it has reached during his earthly life. If a person, in his earth life, did not come out the state of disintegration, his soul is condemned for eternal disintegration after death. He finds himself in hell, so to speak.

The life of thousand millions of people is passing through the trickery, in the system of false values. Few people succeed in escaping from the spider web of the prince of this world. There is injustice in all this, because the thousand millions of people simply do not have choice. That is why the era of sixth and seventh days will be dedicated to the revision of all history of humanity.

There is an era of the first judgement of the saints, the era of the first resurrection. It is not yet the Last Judgment neither the End of the world. All those who be able to climb the Mount Sion, will receive the throne and will judge the World with God. The time and space will change. The history will gather in its entirety and a lot of dead will rise in their body. They will have opportunity to decide their destiny knowingly, for this time.

This is what awaits us.

God will drive the Eternal Kingdom of a God-man to its holistic state in cooperation with humans. The saints will receive the Mind of God which will completely transfigure their mind and bring them up to divine level. So, the era of all saints will come. It will be the era of co-creation, of common cause and of worldwide preaching.

With the help of God, we will register new lines in the Project of the Kingdom of Glory of Saint Trinity. We will equip our common Universal Home, where we will live for eternity.

And now, it will be necessary to us to look after all humanity, after every soul who ever came into this world. In this consists the essence of the worldwide preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

The first apostles created communities in the space of earth time. Now, we need to construct a unique community in the space of Eternity.


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