“Even so also are the times of the Most High YAHWEH; the plain beginnings manifest in wonders and mighty powerful works, and endings in requital, effects and signs” (4th Book of Ezra 9:6).

“...and all the world wondered after the beast” (Apocalypse of St. John 13:3).

“Behold, the days are coming, when the Most High YAHWEH will deliver them that are upon the earth. And bewilderment of mind shall come over those who dwell on the earth” (4th Book of Ezra 13:29-30).

On the principles of creation of the Messianic Kingdom and the wars of the future.

Let’s examine now the spiritual mechanisms of formation of the Messianic kingdom. The mountains of bronze represent all energies of being, gathered into a whole, enabling the phenomenon of the integral Eucharistic force, symbolized by a chariot.

The particularity of the future messianic period is a transition of humanity in a state of integral time. If, in the past, only the Saints could individually reach the level of the Seventh Day, nowadays the whole world will enter the state of integral being; it’s due to the natural evolution of the world. So, quite extraordinary events are waiting for us.

Thus our earthly anthill works. The whole history of mankind is predestined by God and described in Bible. However, on the sixth day, a terrible blow will be given to this collapsed civilization. It is symbolized by a stone "notcut by human hands", broken away from a mountain.

Once upon a time, Nebuchadnezzar had a very unusual and important dream. However, whenthe kingwoke up, heforgotit... So the terrible ruler gathered all wise men of Babylon, and ordered them to solve the problem, to tell him his forgotten dream. Naturally, the soothsayers and sorcerers responded him politely, «Oh, the great lord, it's absolutely impossible!» Then Nebuchadnezzar became angry and ordered to clean Babylon from all wise men. When the turn came for Daniel, he volunteered to solve this problem.