Let’s consider now the origin of the figure 1260. It represents a half of being, its earthly part. The maturation on the spiritual vertical also occurs in seven steps. In this system, each step symbolically represents a year. The Revelation of Saint John the Theologian uses a different system. Here, the content of each year is described as a message to the seven churches. Seven messages or seven years from the prophecy of Daniel represent the energy of the New Testament prayer that vivifies a New Heaven and a New Earth.

Thus is formed the Heavenly Jerusalem, or the Temple of the Holy Mountain in which our Lord will enter on the Day of Judgment.

Question: "What are the “buckets”?”

After the fall of man, the Heaven was sealed. The Saviour restored the path that leads to the Celestial Kingdom. He removed the seals from Divine mysteries. However, everyone must pass, individually, the path of knowledge of the Celestial Kingdom. Otherwise the Heaven will remain sealed for him. It is impossible to enter in Paradise without knowing Christ.

The Saviour not only paved the way to Heaven, but He also left detailed instructions how to pass this way.

The seven messages are based on the same principle; they are like instructions before special operation. Each message contains information on the characteristics of the given level of knowledge. The specific goals are fixed, the methods are defined, the hazards are warned and the awards are announced.

The dispensation of grace occurs as the objectives, defined in messages, are achieved. The water of the Heavenly wisdom is poured into the vessels of our souls, and we are filled with holiness and grow from strength to strength. And when the seven portions of the celestial water are fully discharged in us, when we win seven victories trough the power of God, then we become so big that we can reach the seventh heaven.

Thus, seven days or seven spirits of God form Heaven and earth. Before the fall of man, it was a single system. The fragmented earthly being was gathered, through man, and raised to the integral Heaven, to the Throne of God. Here, the matter was connected with the spiritual energy and the world passed from nothingness into being. After the fall of man, the connection with integral Heaven was broken and the earth found itself under the power of entropy.The state of permanent decay is defined by number 1260.

The number 1260 represents 42 months or 3.5 years, which is a half of the week. This number denotes the area of the Masonic world order,based on the energy of gravity G, on the forces of decay, sin and vice.

Thus, 3.5 years of the reign of antichrist have nothing to do with the calendar time. Today the world is under the authority of the first beast coming out of the sea. The project of the New World Order devastates the earth for more than 100 years, all this period refers to 3.5 years of fragmented being. We are currently living at the end of the era of the seventh head of the beast, the seventh pagan kingdom.It will receive a mortal wound to the head,that is to say, the victory over the New World Order will be obtained through Divine wisdom.

However, after the collapse of the global Babylon, after the triumph of the Messianic Kingdom and after the universal preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom, the pagan world order will revive. It will be the kingdom of the second beast coming out of the earth, or the kingdom of the eighth head of the beast, which was dead, but will revive.

“Then I saw a second beast, emerging from the ground; it had two horns like a lamb, but made a noise like a dragon. This second beast exercised all the power of the first beast, on its behalf making the world and all its people worship the first beast, whose deadly injury had healed” (Apocalypse 13:11-12).

And once again will come 3.5years of the reign of the antichrist, but throughout the entire universe, this time. The kingdom of the first beast extends only over the planet. While the kingdom of the second beast will already spread on a universal scale. Because it will happen after passing midpoint, when history will gather in whole.

Nowadays, the world continues to be in a state of 3.5 years of the antichrist, and, in order to defeat the Judeo-Masonic Order, we need to link the fragmented century, where we are living now, to the integral celestial time of Christ, to the time of the Holy Mary, the blessed angels and all the saints. To do this, we must build a temple made without hands.

The integral century has two steps plus a half that leads to a state of eternal rest. We are talking about the original energy, flowing from the Throne of God and returning back to Him.In iconography, it is designated by two upper fingers in a gesture of blessing or by semicircular throne back. Or another variant with the appropriate architectural details, on the top floor of Creation. They may also be semi-circular or square. These are interpretations on the theme of the separation of the integral energy of God. In the system of the prophecies of Daniel, this energy has a numeric value represented as symbolic numbers.

30 is a Trinitarian light, passed the stage of fragmentation and gathered in whole again. The first number 30 represents the Sixth Day of spiritual maturity. This is a level of internal processes. Here sound the trumpets of the archangels which are pouring out the power of the energies of the being. It is an inner content of the being that reaches the integral state here. It is about the processes taking place inside, both individuals and small social groups. In their internal maturation, they have already reached the Seventh Day. The world around them may still be in a state of the Fifth or Sixth days, but our "pioneers" already live on Seventh Heaven in their hearts. Therefore, there is already an integral New Testament grace in these local systems, the light of Tabor of the future century world. This limited contingent of chosen ones will be ascended to Heaven when the Day of Wrath of the Lamb will befall upon the earth.

The following number 30 represents the Seventh Day. This is a level of external processes. Here the angels are pouring the outer bowls and the energy is directed from outside to inside. Here, to the internal integrity is added the external integrity,and now the whole world, the whole universe entirely enter into a state of absolute maturity.

“Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and voices could be heard shouting in heaven, calling,

'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever” (Apocalypse 11:15).

“The seventh angel emptied his bowl into the air, and a great voice boomed out from the sanctuary, 'The end has come” (Apocalypse 16:17).

Here occurs an absolute connection of the earthly altar with the heavenly Temple of the integral century. These chosen ones, who will mature to the state of the integral universe, will completely unite with Christ and will enter directly in the state of the Eighth Day, bypassing the Gates of Death and the Last Judgment.

“Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection; the second death has no power over them but they will be priests of God and of Christ and reign with him for a thousand years” (Apocalypse 20:6).

Thus, everyone has his personal level of spiritual maturity. The saints, who mature to the state of the Eighth Day during the period of the Sixth-Seventh Day, will avoid the End of the World and the Last Judgment, and pass directly into Eternity, even during the existence of this world. Therefore, in the prophecy of Daniel, to the fragmented being, code: 1260 is added the number of internal integrity, code: 30, then the number 45 is added to both, which exactly represents that the saints who matured to the integral state of the Seventh Day, code: 30, will pass directly to the Eighth day, beyond the bounds of existing being, code: 15.

The number 15 represents the endless beginning of the Eighth Day. This is another hidden prophecy. “The vision of the evenings and the mornings which has been revealed is true, but you must keep the vision secret, for there are still many days to go” (Дан. 8:26).

What is the meaning of “evening” and “morning”? The spiritual and metaphysical days are measured by a step of Asterisk. The period of each Day lasts from the opening of the Asterisk: code “morning”, until its closure: code “evening”.

On the Seventh Day, when Asterisk will close for the last time, there will be the End of the World. The End of the World has arrived earlier than expected! This will be the last step of linear time. Then comes the Eighth Day and Asterisk will fix in an open state for all eternity, in a state of a half spiritual and metaphysical step. And the whole universe will pass in a state of permanent creative flight. All being will endlessly grow and develop.

“Then I saw a great white throne and the One who was sitting on it. In his presence, earth and sky vanished, leaving no trace” (Apocalypse 20:11).



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