Thus our earthly anthill works. The whole history of mankind is predestined by God and described in Bible. However, on the sixth day, a terrible blow will be given to this collapsed civilization. It is symbolized by a stone "notcut by human hands", broken away from a mountain.

Book of Daniel, ch. 2

34 While you were gazing, a stone broke away, untouched by any hand, and struck the statue, struck its feet of iron and clay and shattered them.

35 Then, iron and clay, bronze, silver and gold, all broke into pieces as fine as chaff on the threshing-floor in summer. The wind blew them away, leaving not a trace behind. And the stone that had struck the statue grew into a great mountain, filling the whole world.


This stone is a whole Eucharistic sacrifice. Today, we need to restore, firstly, the Priestly Order of Melchizedek. This does not happen in our churches today. Nowadays, the Eucharistic sacrifice is only brought in its external form, without internal understanding. Melchizedek is a king of the earthly world; it is an inner spiritual man, able to gather the whole world, in its integrity, in his mind.


And this integral fruit, a fruit of spiritual knowledge of superior angelic forces, a fruit woven with fundamental energy of being; it must be deposited, in this form, on the Throne of God. The ministry of Melchizedek consists in this. The Lord accepts only such sacrifices. And when we will mature to this state of integrity, we will rise to sacred Mount Zion. It's a Mount of knowledge of the Wisdom of the Eternal Kingdom. Zion is a Holy Temple of Creation, where God remains, and where He will suddenly enter the sixth day:

Book of prophet Malachi, ch. 3
1 Look, I shall send my messenger to clear a way before me. And suddenly the Lord whom you seek will come to his Temple; yes, the angel of the covenant, for whom you long, is on his way, says Yahweh Sabaoth.

Thus, we must present to the Lord all nine fundamental particles of being. Not in the same manner that we do it today, with emptypiety, but with an appropriate sense nestled in each particle. So that all nine elements were brought in integral stone of Creation, which is symbolized by a particle of the Mother of God.

God expects us to bring a meaningful, conscious sacrifice, to present all project of Creation, in its integrity. All areas of human being must be gathered in a golden chapter of integral Creation. It must be gathered not in earthly, but in heavenly image, according to the system which was originally designed by our Creator. And He designed a Kingdom of God-man. The Heavenly Jerusalem is symbolically represented by a cube, so the Eucharistic Lamb has a cubic shape.

Thus, our goal is to present to God His own project of Heavenly Jerusalem, but already fully and consciously assimilated by us; assimilated so deeply as if it was created by ourselves. And when we will deposit all sacred Creation, in Eucharistic ascension, on the Throne of the King of Glory, then the Almighty "will download the program into the computer of Creation", and an integral power of Heavenly Kingdom will burst into our earthly being.

Then, a stone "notcut by human hands" willbreak away from a sacred mountain and will fall upon the existing collapsed civilization, the Great prostitute.That'sthe way itshould be. Such wasthe taskof the Orthodox civilization, at any time before the synodal period. Right now, our church generates itself a mess on our planet, in fact. Our priests are responsible in the first place. Because the Lord has placed man above Creation and gaveus theearthly worldinto management. The Lord governs our earthly existence through man, through the priests. And if the church does not present to God the conscious project to change the world, if the church does not know about it, if the whole church prays formally without understanding how the world works and how it should be, how God makes corrections, then it becomes a simply "cargo cult", despite alltheseimpressive outergarments.

And the Lord does not accept such a sacrifice. The earthly world is in a state of "abomination of desolation", because the church, for a whole century, deposits a vacuum on the Throne of God.


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