Why did God come to Earth and what is the teaching that the apostles preached? What is salvation? The true orthodoxy is a mystical science of the construction of God. Each person, in direct sense of the word, must build Christ in his heart; must raise, step by step in the space of his soul, the King of Glory.

Вопрос: скажите, пожалуйста, в двух словах, как должна управляться церковь? Только епископ, священники и дьяконы? Как Господь установил управление церковью? Как правильно? А священный синод — это не установленный орган от Бога? Это люди придумали и он лишний?

Let’s examine now the essence of the symbolic theology. We will talk, in general terms, what represents a half of the lost Orthodox teaching. This science is a means of communication with the spiritual world which, in fact, allows us to explore an invisible reality on a scientific basis. Theology is a science, and it was so at the origin. There is a heavenly church and an earthly church. These are two components of the same process of creation of the Heavenly Jerusalem.


« It was allowed to make war against the saints and conquer them, and given power over every race, people, language and nation » (Apocalypse 13:7). Before the publication of the missing part of the orthodox doctrine, let’s make a small excursion into history. How do the evil geniuses of Zionism managed to reduce to dust the Orthodox kingdom?

A sad truth about our Saint Synod which has no real connection with God, in reality. The closer we approach to the main goal of our research, the more evident this goal becomes, in fact. At the very beginning, we had no idea where we need to come at the end. There was a general objective of the Project, we had to ask God so that He could hear us and we could receive His answer, that is to say, to hear God and establish a direct and specific relationship with the Creator, as was the case in the old church and, respectively, to get answers on how to get out of the crisis of civilization in which the world found itself. Because there is no alternative, in reality. All our qualified and well educated specialists are not able to offer solution. God is our only hope. The world has reached an impasse, but God is silent, for some reason.
