The mystery of seven seals or what falls all time there?

Throughout the entire narration of the Apocalypse, something is falling from Heaven: sometimes there are the stars which are falling; a great mountain blazing with fire is hurled into the sea or the great hailstones weighing a talent each, and every time the human population is exterminated, in the most merciless manner, by these celestial phenomena.

Dear friends, brothers and sisters, all our dear and beloved people, the earth, the whole universe! From now and until the end of the world, the topic number 1 is a topic of the Seal of God. A new historical period has arrived, and now, the main matter, that concerns everyone, is the matter of our salvation and eternal life, and now, it will be essentially achieved through this extraordinary Seal, the Seal of the life-giving Wisdom of God. And all people will be divided now. Some will be sealed by the Seal of Glory and salvation in Christ. And others will receive a damn seal and will be sent to eternal damnation, together with the beast, the antichrist.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear brothers and sisters, friends and enemies, I greet you in our research project. We approach the finish line, a little bit more, and we will begin to make a great story for the Glory of God.

Thus, the Heavenly Jerusalem, that we have to build, consists of four basic elements. In our graphic, they are represented by four columns. The first refers to our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a source of life and all that is necessary for the creation of Heavenly Jerusalem. Before pouring out the grace, the Savior sets a goal, each time, and explains what to do and how, at any given level, and what must be obtained as a result.

To get a clear idea about the essence of the universal catastrophe, occurred after the fall of man, we must have a clear idea of the initial structure of the object that has been broken. ThepurposeofourresearchisaCreation.